City of Keota, Iowa



Keota, Iowa

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Quick Facts

Keota, Keokuk County, IA
Elevation: 797 feet
2020 census: 897 people
Median Family income: $51,625

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History of Keota

Founded 1873

On September 26th, 1873, the City of Keota was incorporated in Lafayette Township, Keokuk County by the State of Iowa. The notice was signed by F.M. Smock and J.F. Wilson. The notice of incorporation was published in the Keota Plaindealer, Jan. 1st and 8th, 1874.

"Keota is located on the eastern border of Lafayette Township, on the divide between Skunk River on the south and English River on the north, surrounded by as fertile prairie as the sun ever shone upon, which being occupied by an intelligent class of farmers, affords to Keota a business support excelled by none, and equaled by few inland towns in this or any other state in the Union. The Oskaloosa branch of the C.R.I. & P.R.R. passes throught the town on a line due east and west, thus avoiding the obtuse and acute angles so often seen in the business part of our R.R. towns" (Isaac Farley, Keota Centennial Book)

Keota Independent School District was organized August 1873, without schoolhouse, school fund or other school facilities. By 1876, there were 4 schools capable of accomodating 250 scholars. The Keota post office was established in March 1872 with J.F. Wilson being appointed post master. The first newspaper was the "Keota Plaindealer" in 1873, followed by the "Keota Currier" six month later. In January of 1876, G.C. Miller started the "Keota Eagle" which is still published today.

Tradition says the the Reverand D.V. Smock suggested the name "Keoton" for this new town, being the first and last letters of Keokuk and Washington Counties. The story goes that either the Rock Island R.R. or the Post Office Department changed the name to "Keota" without explanation other than for the purpose of easier pronunciation.

Centennial Celebration 1973

Quasquecentennial Celebration 1998

Sesquicentennial Celebration 2023

Historic Trivia

Qualified voters of what would eventually be Keota voted 68 in favor and 9 against incorporation on December 18, 1873.
Keota used to have a miniature golf course located on East Lafayette Avenue.

Wilson Memorial Park was originally known as Centennial Park.

Mr. E. E. Neal and wife Mantie established a "Photograph Gallery" in Keota in 1888.

The A. A. Hulse General Store was originally located one block west of where it was until it closed its doors. In 1887, Keota had eight trains a day; four freight, two passenger and two mail trains.

Keota's railroad depot originally stood in the middle of South Fulton Street.

Keota's glass factory was officially called the Eagle Glass Works and opened in 1879.

Lagos was a champion Percheron horse who won the "International Champion of Champions" at the Panama Pacific Expositional at San Francisco in 1915.